Traffic & Road Sign Frames

traffic and road sign frames

Decorative traffic and street sign frames enhance sign visibility for both safety and appeal. Road sign frames also provide stability and protection from the elements, making them last even longer.

These frames give a two-inch border around the sign which gives a classic, clean look for high-end neighborhoods. Made from extruded aluminum, or aluminum panels for faux halo options, the frames fit standard MUTCD traffic signs that are for sale on our site. Decorative street sign frames can also be custom-made for irregular-sized signs.

traffic and road sign frames

Decorative traffic and street sign frames enhance sign visibility for both safety and appeal. Road sign frames also provide stability and protection from the elements, making them last even longer.

These frames give a two-inch border around the sign which gives a classic, clean look for high-end neighborhoods. Made from extruded aluminum, or aluminum panels for faux halo options, the frames fit standard MUTCD traffic signs that are for sale on our site. Decorative street sign frames can also be custom-made for irregular-sized signs.

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