Increase Neighborhood Safety with Signage

Most homeowners and business owners have a goal of living in a safe neighborhood and doing anything they can to increase the safety of their community. There are several tools that are useful for improving safety in a community including security surveillance cameras, using the Nextdoor app, increasing lighting, and implementing neighborhood watch programs. A great way to complement those efforts for neighborhood safety is to post noticeable signage to alert the public that your area is under surveillance.
Four types of signs you can install to help make your neighborhood safer:
Surveillance Camera Signs
Installing cameras are a great way to record any crimes so you can have evidence to submit in case something happens. If you want to increase the prevention of crimes on your property and you have cameras posted, installing noticeable surveillance camera signs around your property would help. Let any potential criminal know that they are being recorded so they think twice before carrying out any nefarious activities.
Neighborhood Watch Signs / Crime Watch Signs
Neighborhood watch signs are effective in notifying the public to report all suspicious activity to local authorities. Crime watch signs are posted in areas where residents, municipal leaders, and local authorities have implemented a program to be vigilant and contact the local police if they see anything that may be out of place. Crimes such as thefts, breaking and entering, and even assaults can be deterred by posting these signs.
You would mostly find these types of signs in areas with schools, parks, and playgrounds. Homeowners associations and subdivisions also post neighborhood watch and crime watch signs at the entry point of their community. You can buy neighborhood watch signs for your community on the Signature Streetscapes website.
No Soliciting Signs
Some criminals come into neighborhoods posing as door-to-door salespeople. They do this to look less suspicious and to get more information about a location that they are preparing to burglarize. Posting No Soliciting Signs at the front of your home, business or driveway notifies the public that you are not open to unannounced visitors. If someone ignores the sign they are more suspicious and can be spotted by your surrounding neighbors as being out of place.
This is a great sign to post in areas with high foot traffic to notify those walking door-to-door to avoid approaching your property. While in some townships and cities soliciting is not against the law, having a No Soliciting sign would let salespeople who approach know that you do not welcome them.
No Trespassing and Private Property Signs
If your home or business is in a secluded neighborhood or private drive, posting no trespassing signs and private property signs are a good way to bring attention to your stance on intruders. Posting that your property is private brings legal verbiage into the picture. People who read your signs will know that you are vigilant in protecting your privacy and property. Individuals who choose to pass the sign and ignore its ramifications are clearly not up to any good. They can be easily caught on camera and subject to legal action.
While posting security signs won’t eliminate all crime in your community, they are effective in deterring criminal activity in your area. Make sure your signs are visible at night and in low light by installing lighting. Posted signs can still be attractive and noticeable by installing them on decorative post assemblies and adding sign frames and black vinyl backing. We also offer a standard cast Surveillance sign for businesses and homes that want a really attractive exterior security sign.